Maroochydore STP Sludge Thickening Upgrade

GANDEN completed the detailed design of the Sludge Thickening Upgrade at the Maroochydore STP.

The upgraded biosolids handling infrastructure improves both the plants sludge thickening capacity and reliability, ultimately reducing biosolids disposal costs and improving the plants overall efficiency by optimising the filtrate returned to the head of the works.

The upgrades included:-

  • A-WAS/ B-WAS Pump Stations & Rising Mains
  • GDD WAS Sludge Thickening Facility
  • TWAS Pumping System to Digesters
  • Filtrate Drainage System and rising main to inlet works
  • Primary Sludge Thickening System modifications
  • Polymer Dosing System Modifications
  • Demolition Works


  • Detailed Design

Year Completed

Detailed Design on Progress

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